Sunday, September 9, 2012

"I DONE you take a pictures!"

Calen starts school on Tuesday and I really wanted to get some pictures done for preschool, especially a certain pose that I saw on Pinterest that I HAD to copy. Hey, if it's on Pinterest, it's MEANT to be copied, right? As long as I don't claim it as an original idea....which I'm not.

The weather today was perfect and I mean perfect (75, sunny and no humidity) so I decided it was a good time to do his first day of school pictures. Because let's face it. If I waited until the actual first day of school, I'd be scrambling to get the kids ready and fed, Cam would probably poop in three diapers to slow me down, Calen would be bouncing off the walls because he's so excited and I'd be too emotional and jittery to keep my camera in focus. So we do pictures today. I put him in his little first day outfit and brand new shoes and took him out into the back yard. (Yes, I will take a picture or two on his actual first day). 

Calen, for once, was a really good sport. He held still. He smiled. He looked at the camera. It was a God-given miracle and I got all the shots I wanted, and some fun impromptu ones that I wasn't expecting. Like these ones (and yes I know his shorts are too long. They are 5t and WAY longer than I expected. Oh well. Room to grow):

He was doing so awesome that I told him he could have two pieces of candy corn (the new bribery tool in the house). He said he could have five pieces. I said fine. Bartering little turd. But I wasn't done taking pictures, and finally he got tired. But instead of whining like he usually does, he folded his arms, gave me a fake angry face and said:

"I DONE you take a pictures!"

Which actually made me laugh out loud! Especially with the mild speech delay struggles we've had with him. And after such a cute but angry little sentence, how could I force him to continue? (though I did take a picture right at that moment. Because it was just too cute. In an angry sort of way)

So we stopped. And he got his five pieces of candy corn. 

And yes, I did get THE shot I was looking for: (drumroll please)

 I told him to yell "Preschool!" And he did. And it made the perfect.shot.ever. 

Also: When I asked him what he wanted to be when he was big like daddy, he told me: "A Policeman an fireman an drive ambulance an drive hospital motorcycle (because those exist) an drive school bus an be Super Hero Calen an be PIRATE!" After a long conversation we finally narrowed it down to either a policeman or a fireman. 




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