Friday, January 13, 2017

Day 322: Calen on MLK

Calen's at a fun age. 

He's old enough now where we can have actual, almost real conversations. Not just "where are your socks? What sound does a cow make?" conversations. He wants to talk about the world around him and ask questions and it's really fun for me to converse with him. 

Mostly. Until it's like question or statement number 452 and I'm OVER it. 

Anyways, I asked him what he learned at school today. Which can either be a "nothing" answer, as if he didn't actually hear anything his teacher said that day, or it could be something obscure like "we learned that if Johnny laughs at lunch time milk comes out of his nose." But I try.

Here's how today's conversation went:

Me: "What did you learn about at school today?"
Calen: "We talked about Martin Luther King."
Me: impressed. We actually have real content today. "Oh! So who was he?"
Calen: "He was a brown guy that talked A LOT and he made a law so that white people and black people can sit in the front or the back or wherever they want on a bus."
Me: "So he made everyone equal?"
C: "Yeah. Because America's free and now anyone can do whatever they want. There's only two laws in America: Don't speed in your car and don't use weapons."
C: "Wait! And don't throw rocks at people. So there's three."
Me: "And that's it, huh?"
C: "Yeah. But people didn't like him because they wanted to sit in the front all the time so they shot him."

And there's the history lesson, according to the local 7 year old. 

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