Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Day 327: Game Night, Kids Edition

Brad had an appointment this evening, so the kids and I declared it "most of the family" game night after dinner. For Christmas, they received Monopoly Junior, which is basically Monopoly without all the obnoxious game-never-ends attributes to it. There are only 1 dollar bills, and each player starts with $18. If you land on something (like a skate park, or a pizza place, or a pool - you know, something actually desirable, not something obscure like "Baltic Ave", you can buy it, for $1 or $2 or $4 or $5. If you land on someone else's, pay rent. No houses, no hotels. No mortgages or any other complicated stupid rules. Jail and Go still apply. The first person to run out of money loses, the other players count their money and highest wins. The game for us lasted maybe 30 minutes, not 7 hours like most versions of Monopoly. 

I like this version. 

Camden somehow destroyed us all and created his own victory dance. I offered to the boys to play a second round, but Calen was a grumpy loser and Camden said he wanted to "end the day winning". I like it. 

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