Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Day 5: Love Is Sushi and Conversation Hearts

It rained today. 

I don't mean a little rain. I mean, I'm from Seattle, and I'm complaining about the rain. It rained so much that the poor wimpy California roads couldn't handle it, and the whole damn county flooded over. School was closed by 10:30am (due to the road flooding), the freeway was at a dead stop due to multiple (at least 4 that I saw) car wrecks (two fender benders and two cars that hydroplaned and skidded off into the median), and the entire Coast Guard base shut down due to roads flooding. 

It rained a LOT today. 

Before I realized we were in a sort of minor flooding crisis, I had wandered into town to Safeway to try and find a nice Valentines' Day card for Brad. I couldn't find a card that wasn't stupid, cheesy, or $8. So instead, I found myself in the deli section, and found heart shaped sushi. 


Way better than a card anyways, sushi. 

Once I finally paddled my canoe back to the house, the kids and Brad were home (way early) and I wanted to figure out a way to take advantage of the time together. And since I have no original ideas whatsoever, this part of the post brought to you by Pinterest. 

I took some construction paper (in wonderfully obnoxious candy heart colors) and cut them in the shapes of hearts. Then, on the front I drew equally obnoxious candy heart sayings, and on the back I wrote some thought provoking conversation pieces on the...conversation hearts...get it? 

At dinner we went through the conversation hearts. The boys picked hearts off the ribbon and we discussed the questions. Their answers were hilarious:

1. If you could invent one thing what would it be?
- Calen: a burger machine, so you can just push a button and the burger would be ready with all the toppings and you could eat burgers any time you wanted. 
- Cam: a robot that will do all my chores for me! And it would be water proof and invincible. 

2. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
- Calen: The moon, and I would build a colony to live there. And I'd make sure there was a shuttle that would get you there in like an hour and not four days. 
- Cam: Lake Tahoe, so I could play in the snow all day every day and even play hockey sometimes

3. If you could go back in time, where would you go and why?

- Calen: I would go back to the dinosaurs, capture a velocirapter and bring it back to the future to ride it around instead of a bicycle, and feed it steaks 
- Camden: I would go back to the vikings so I could be allowed into their fortresses because I'm a good guy and play with all their swords. 

4. If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?

- Calen: Shape shifting so when I play hide and seek and I can turn into a tree and no one will find me

- Cam: Mind control so I could make Calen do all my work for me. Like chores and homework and everything!

It was actually a great dinner activity to get us away from the boring "how was school" topics that always happen at dinnertime. 

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