Sunday, February 17, 2019

Day 7 - If The Boot Fits

So the boys ride their bikes to and from school (a mile each way), as I've stated before. And since all the neighborhood kids (Calen included) have these "kid smart watches" where they can call us parents if there's an emergency on the bike path. It's literally the best hands off non-parenting-parenting-win in the universe. 3 o'clock rolls around and you don't have to run out the door to school pick up, you just hang out in your sweats on the sofa and wait for them to arrive, and if they don't make it home by 3:20, you start to wonder if they took the "shortcut", which is actually the three-times-as-far route around the lake on base.

Today, Calen left his watch at home, because of course he did, and I got a text from a neighbor who's kid called saying that Camden's rain boot was stuck in the chain of his bike and he was stuck. 

Man, I actually have to put on real pants. 

So I put on some jeans and started walking down the bike path towards the school. Calen rolls up on his bike and announces that Cam is fine and is heading home, but I decided that we needed to stick around just in case. Nothing is ever normal with Cam, you know. 

Sure enough Camden and his buddy roll up on their bikes. I asked Camden if he was okay and if he figured out how to get his boot out. 

"Yeah, the boot kept getting stuck, so I just took it off and threw it in my backpack so it wouldn't happen again!"

And sure enough, I looked down, and he was riding his bike a full mile home from school with ONE boot on, and ONE sock. 

I told him he could put his boot back on, but he blows me off with a "nah, I'm good!" and took off in his socks on his bike riding home. 

That's one of those mom moments where you just throw your hands up and go "whatever". 

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