Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Horrendous Fours

We didn't have terrible Two's with Calen. He was sweet and easy and perfect.

We had horrible Threes. 

Which have transformed into Horrendous Fours. 

I'm not sure why his attitude/personality always changes right around his birthday but it never seems to fail. And this year is no different. He's defiant (moreso than usual) and will outwardly say "Nope." when I ask him to do something. He's seemingly forgotten his "please" and "thank yous", shouts out demands and when he gets in trouble and I'm scolding him, he smiles this shrewd little smile. And his energy has suddenly skyrocketed so he's become generally mischievous and "wild".

Who ARE you?

Needless to say he's spent the majority of this week sitting in timeout and has had most of his toys taken away at one point or another. Since it is in fact 2013 and I can have CPS called on me if I smack the daylights out of him.

I blame his attitude on a newfound confidence thanks to his progress in speech and language developments. Or something. I need something to blame and that's it. 

And Brad and I are reeling to catch up to this round of insanity and putting a stop to it before we put him up for sale on Ebay. 

Meanwhile, I attempted to take nice spring pictures of the boys yesterday. Not to be outdone by his brother, Camden was in an especially foul mood so they didn't turn out GREAT, but they did turn out. 


1 comment:

  1. Growth spurts always include attitudinal shifts too. Sorry.
