Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Things You Say (And Do)

Calen is an early riser. 

"Early" as in like 6am every morning. Morning to me doesn't exist until at least 7:30am. But, he's always been easy in that as long as I turn on his light, he'll happily play quietly in his room until Camden (my late(er) sleeper) and I drag ourselves out of bed.

On rare occasions he gets bored and into mischief, but it's limited to upstairs thanks to a tall baby gate at the top of the stairs that is so complicated most adults can't figure it out. 

Last night, I forgot to close the gate. 

This morning Camden woke up at 9:30 like the awesome kid he is. I go into Calen's room to tell him we can go downstairs now, but I can't see him. But I can hear a very discreet munch munch munch. 

I get on my hands and knees and find Calen laying flat on his belly with a pile of Easter candy in front of him (and probably an equal amount in his mouth). He was trying to hide it in his hands and clamping his mouth shut. Then I notice he had scissors under the train table. Like the grownup sharp scissors we had in the junk drawer that I wasn't even aware he knew where we stored it. 

Me: "WHY do you have scissors?"

Calen: "To cut the wrappers off the candies."

Smart enough.

Calen: "And I need to cut off the tag to my Giant Tomato"

The "Giant Tomato" is what he named his big red beanbag chair in his room. And sure enough, half of the tag to the "giant tomato" was cut off. 

...very resourceful Calen. 

Later today at Costco we were eating our delicious Costco dinner Brad was inquiring to Calen about his mischievous endeavors this morning. Calen is very much a logical boy, and not much of a storyteller at all. But suddenly, he had quite a story to tell Daddy. He said that "Mommy came into my woom....." and then changed his voice to a raspy scary voice and said "What are you eating?!?" and then changed his voice back to his normal voice and said quietly "....candy...." and then said something else in my apparent scary mommy voice, but Brad was laughing so hard he missed the rest of it (I was using the restroom and missed this little storytelling moment).   

I have a feeling the age of Four is going to be a whole new world for us. 



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