Monday, May 13, 2013

Sleep Training

So once upon a time maybe two months ago we introduced the big boy (twin) bed to Camden. He took one nap in it and slept in it overnight, and the next day, we all got the pukes, and decided to hell with this, we needed him contained in a container. So he went back to the crib and there he stayed. 

Until two days ago, when I thought I would be intelligent and try again. It should be, in theory, a very easy transition.

But nothing involving my kids and "transitions" are very easy. 

Calen was a royal pain in my ass extremely difficult to take out of the crib. He wasn't quite two yet, Camden was on the way and we needed the crib. It took a good two weeks to get him to go to bed and to stay in bed. And in the process, it slowly fizzled out his naps. AKA worst nightmare. 

Camden is no easier. In fact, he's a lot more stubborn, if that could even be possible. Yesterday even after not napping and being absolutely bone-tired, he did not fall asleep until 9:20 (bedtime is 7pm). He got into as much trouble as humanly possible considering there are few toys in his room, the closet was locked and his door was gated. 

Neither of my kids are "weird place" sleepers. They've never fallen asleep in high chairs, strollers, the middle of the floor, laundry baskets etc. All those pictures I looked forward to taking of them sleeping in funny places, no. Never. Not even the couch. Not even when they're horribly and disgustingly ill. 

Until last night, at 9:20, when Brad and I noticed that the top floor finally got quiet. I sneaked up to investigate, and Cam's door was wide open, and there he was, face first on the floor of his room, with his blankie on top of him. He.was.done.

And I got my picture.


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