Saturday, November 26, 2016

Day 276: Hey Griswold, Where You Gonna Put A Tree That Big?

We went out on our annual family excursion to find the perfect Christmas tree and chop it down. 

Blah blah blah why not get an artificial tree blah blah blah because it's the same boring tree every year blah blah blah and not nearly as fun. 

When it comes to Christmas trees, the bigger is better. 

Like, Griswold bigger. 

So, we walked around a large U-Cut tree lot looking for the perfect big tree. 

"Awww look it's a BABY tree!"

We found it! Let's chop it down! No we didn't. It didn't have a tag on it so we weren't allowed to. The ONE U-Cut tree we liked!

Maybe we will U-Cut Cam...
The problem with growing up in the Evergreen State (Washington), we are spoiled with Christmas trees. Every tree in every lot was plump, full, healthy and BIG. Here in lameass California, where we are probably 6 years into their "5 year drought", the trees are scraggly, bare and unimpressive. 

So, we walked around for an hour and a half only to end up picking a pre-cut Noble fir that was most likely imported from Oregon. 

What can we say, we're tree snobs. 

This glorious beast of a tree is FULL and HUGE. Not quite cut-a-hole-into-the-ceiling huge but definitely brought up some burning concerns of "will we be able to walk past this damn thing without climbing over the sofa" and "we need to shave a good foot off the top so the star will fit". 

Which means it's a good Griswold tree. 

After I spent 2 hours and 15 strands of mini bulbs to light the tree, I gave kids almost free reign of putting ornaments on the tree. You know, other than the dozen or so uber-breakable ones, which I put up higher than they can reach anyways. Because boys. And puppies. 

First out of the box was my FAVORITE Disney World ornament from our first trip, which I snatched and said "I get to put this one up!", mostly because it was breakable. And just as I was about to hook it on a branch, it slipped out of my hands and shattered on the damn floor. I might have cried over it. But luckily Brad has a knack for super glue and somehow repaired the thing so you can't really notice unless you look for it. 

They did a terrific job decorating this year. I only had to follow behind them 10% of the time or so and relocate ornaments that just weren't going to work in their location according to my type-A brain. 


Then I helped Brad paint some pallet trees he's making me in the garage, and after the kids went to bed we watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, which is basically the best Christmas movie of all time. 

Hey Griswold, where you gonna put a tree that big?
Bend over and I'll show ya!

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