Monday, November 28, 2016

Day 278: The Things We Do For Our Kids

Camden's second favorite toy (because his Star Wars "guys" will always be #1) are his micro-machines. He has two sets of micro-machines: Star Wars ones that he got last year, and the original micro-machines from the early 90s (that were Brad's) featuring little tanks and missile launchers and teensy, weensy soldier guys. 

Yesterday, Cam brought downstairs one(!) tiny little camo-clad soldier man to play with in the living room. Which is like bringing a pebble to the beach and expecting not to lose it. 

Inevitably it disappeared yesterday evening and Cam went into almost-hysterics over the loss of his FAVORITE guy (for that hour anyways). He wandered around the house lost with worry, calling out his name "Leader Guy! Leader GUY!!! Where ARE you??" and whining that he can't find it (without really looking). I for one didn't even make an attempt to find it, assuming a dog had licked it and unintentionally swallowed it or a house fly swooped down and picked it up or a slight breeze sent it flying under the sofa. Like we'd ever see that thing again. 

Fast forward to this afternoon and I finally got home from running errands and went to vacuum the living room rug, which had the fluffy remains of a stuffed dog toy Sonic had decimated this morning all over it. As I'm vacuuming I see something tiny, like a speck of dirt. But my brain recognized it a nanosecond too late and "Leader Guy" gets sucked into the vacuum cleaner. 

Well shit. 

At first I decided that we as a family needed to cut our losses and say goodbye to our tiny 4 star general. But Cam really wanted to find it, and I knew where it was.....somewhere in that canister of a week's worth of vacuumed up debris. 


So, I slowly emptied the canister, sitting on a stool in the kitchen holding clumps of dog hair, dust, Christmas tree needles and dead dog toy fluff, sifting through it with my bare hands for 45 minutes until finally one of the last clumps I checked (always) had a tiny, disheveled soldier inside it. 


The things we do for our kids, I tell you. 

Endnote: Camden was extremely grateful and carried him around all evening. I'll bet you a thousand dollars it will get lost again by tomorrow morning. 

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