Thursday, February 2, 2017

Day 342: 100 Days Of Kindergarten

It was the 100th day of school today! Because this is suddenly an annual school holiday, complete with over the top 100th day of school projects and a little class celebration (especially for the youngest grades). 

Luckily (for me), the 100th day of school isn't that big of a deal for 2nd graders, and Calen didn't have any kind of project or celebration at school. 

But for Kindergarten, this is a big deal. 100 days of learning how to endure real school. The first 100 days of the rest of their education. And let's face it, the real celebration is for the teachers, who have survived 100 days of 20+ five year olds. 


Camden's 100 day of school project was a hat with 100 items on it. After a small debate between he and I (because I was NOT going to print out 100 emoji faces for his hat -- and how the hell does he even know what an emoji is??), he agreed to 100 googly eyeballs on an alien paper hat, and wearing a spaceman shirt to go with it. 

Happy 100 days of school!

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