Thursday, February 2, 2017

Day 345: Pirate Dice

I've posted about this before, but this is really all we did today. 

I found these pirate adventure dice at the bookstore in town. It's a really neat, quick game to play and the kids love it. You roll the dice, and each dice has various pictures (pirate themed) on each side. Make a story about and including all the pictures you got on your dice. Easy. (Or not!)

Brad always tells the best and most elaborate stories from his dice. This pirate dude (that Camden named "Girlfriend") had magnetic powers and got kicked out of his village because everyone thought he was stealing pots and pans. Camden is strangely shy about telling stories, so he only picked two dice and announced that "the guns shoot the bad pirates and everyone dies. The end." 

Calen tells quick stories, where there's a pirate ship and he lists off each dice as if it were equipment on the boat. And they go find treasure. And I'm somewhere in between Brad and Camden. 

These are really fun though, and only take about 10 minutes (or more, if you wish) and require no set up. We don't even ever put these away, we just leave the dice in their box on the dining room table, in case story time needs to make a rapid entrance. 

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