Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Day 365: Three Hundred and Sixty Five

Well folks, we made it. A full year of blogging. And while I may have dropped the ball and not actually uploaded a blog post every 24 hours, there is a single blog post for each day on the calendar for the past year. 

This was a lot harder than the last time a did a year blog challenge. I mean, near impossible. 

Last time I did it (Feb 2012 - Feb 2013), life was a lot simpler. I had two toddlers at home. 100% of my days were wrapped around caring for, keeping alive and especially entertaining little kids. I was buried under piles of Pinterest crafts and simple "adventures" to the fish department at Petsmart. It was so easy to blog because every day we were doing something, even if it was just exploring a pile of mud in the back yard or watching baby Cam learn to walk. 

This time, life is a whirlwind. The kids are both in school, and by the time they get home, we are shoving forkfuls of yesterday's leftovers into our mouths while changing clothes and running across town to the next baseball practice or basketball practice or whatever practice. The kids are no longer toddling over to me with a handful of blocks asking to play, they are upstairs building Lego masterpieces together, or at the playground with their friends. Occasionally they ask me to play, but it is few and far between. Oh, they're still little and we have so much fun together in the few moments we have sitting still. But by the time I've settled down to write the blog in the evening, I'm so tired I don't even remember what the hell we did that day. Let alone anything worth mentioning. 

So, I dropped the ball a lot. I'd post 3 days worth of blogs at a time because I blinked and Monday turned into Thursday without me even noticing. But I did it, and it's quite an accomplishment. I cherish my last year-long blog, my own personal diary of what life was like with a 1 year old and a 3 year old. I know someday when my kids are too old to be called "kids", I will cherish this year stretch as well. I will try to keep up with it once a week or so, but no promises, people. 

As for today, we took a page out of the old book. Brad was feeling pretty sick today so the kids and I went out on an excursion to "The Hot Dog Store" (also known as Costco, named by Calen at age 2). 

This used to be our favorite family outing when they were very small in New Jersey. We would wait until Brad came home from work, drive an hour up north to the nearest Costco, and have a hot dog dinner (Calen the hot dog, Cam the bun) as a family, and then do some leisurely shopping at the very quiet (and basically abandoned) store.

So tonight we sat down and had Costco dinner together (pizza, this time) and went around shopping. The kids still find profound enthusiasm in picking out their own bath towels and sneaking seconds at the food demo trays, and climbing all over the mountains of toilet paper while I'm not looking. We had a strangely fun time at Costco together. 

The boys and I came home and turned on the Rescuers (very loudly, I might add, to drown out any barfing noises coming from upstairs), and had a great evening together. 

Here's to another year down of blogging. I really hope I find the time and the energy to keep up with it from time to time. 

And thanks to the like, twelve people that read it. 

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