Monday, September 4, 2023

Day 241: Whatever Floats Your River Float

 You can't be in Leavenworth in the summer without doing a float on the Wenatchee River! Even though it wasn't terribly hot and the water level was VERY low (being the end of an exceptionally dry season and all), we decided we had to do it! 

We start up on Icicle Creek Road and go all the way down to downtown, about 2.5 miles in total. The water actually pretty warm, and we only had a few butt scraping areas. We even saw a buck deer up close!

The best part of this float is the ducks. Being that floating the river is a huge vacation attraction in the summer, the local ducks have gotten accustomed to the people, and know that they're carrying snacks. So, they follow the tubes extra close to see if they can score anything to eat. 

We ended up naming one group Fred, George, Ron, Hermione and Harry. I mean, honestly. How can you not. 

The best part is, when we ended in town, we just got out, and walked the five blocks to my mom's house! Perfect!

Except, this pitstop....

As we were walking we stumbled upon a new restaurant called "Coned Bros", a novelty pizza place that serves pizza in a "dough cone". 

Tada! Dinner!

Pizza might actually taste better in cone shape. 

And now, for something totally different

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