Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Things You Say

This actually happened a few days ago, but I forgot to mention it until now. 

I'm in a public restroom with Calen. We still "share" a stall at this point, mainly because I'm paranoid about him touching everything in there when he's not supervised. So he does his business, and then I have him turn around while I do mine (we're in a wheelchair stall). Of course he ends up turning around, bends down slightly, watching me pee. 

"Mommy, you pee out your butt?"

I'm silent. I'm SO not answering this question. ESPECIALLY in a public restroom where possible ears might be hearing this horrifying question. We are NOT going to start comparing boy parts and girl parts. Maybe Calen will forget and move on to something else to talk about.

But he doesn't, and answers his own question. Matter of factly. Outloud. LOUDLY. 

"Haha!! Naaaaaah. Mommy you don't pee out your butt. You have a wiener."   

I'm still silent. This isn't happening. Especially not in a public restroom. But he continues. Even louder. It's like he KNOWS it's embarrassing

"Mommy you have wiener just like Chance and Juno (who is a girl, by the way) and Brother has a wiener. And me!!!! I have a wiener too! I PEE OUT MY WIENER"

Me: "CALEN STOP. We're never talking about wieners again. Ever."

Thankfully, no one was in this restroom. I checked the stalls. Unless someone was standing on their toilet laughing silently. Which is always possible. 

Why are boys so disgusting? 



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