Monday, January 23, 2023

Day 17: Twenty Dollar Friday

 It's Friday, and Friday's are ridiculous. 

Camden has hockey practice at 3:45. Calen has swim at 5:15. 

So, why not add some madness to the madness? I mean, why not have a contest of how much madness we could actually add?

The boys have been asking for a return trip to Safeway, since they still have a little bit of a remaining balance on their Safeway gift cards my mom bought them for Christmas. And since I needed to go grocery shopping, and we'd all be in town anyways for 283 sporting practices, why not add in Safeway trips?

We did this in segments, because I didn't want to leave overly early or stay late. So, we drove to the ice rink and dropped Camden off for hockey practice. Then, Calen and I headed to Safeway. I did some basic grocery shopping (which, I mean, basic still equates to $250), while we wandered the aisles looking at sales and making clever decisions. His goal was to only spend $20, so that he still had $10 or so left for one more trip. He absolutely refused to buy anything that wasn't on sale, which made me giggle, and his outcries of "why is food so expensive?!" were appropriate and relevant, after all he's just announcing what we're all feeling. In the end, he bought a bag of chili Doritos, a huge box of Honey Nut Cheerios (his favorite), a Mountain Dew, and a fruit roll up. And a Hot Wheels car, of COURSE. He paid $19, so he was right on the money. 

Furious at the cost of salt and vinegar almonds. I agree. 

Then, we zoomed to the pool, dropped Calen off for swim practice, headed down the hill to the ice rink, picked up Camden from hockey, and then he and I headed to Safeway so he could have his own one on one shopping experience. 

Cam, unlike his brother, has much harder times making decisions. He knew he wanted chips, so he headed there first and got Cool Ranch Doritos. Then he went to the produce section and thought long and hard about a large, crispy Honeycrisp apple, but then decided to put it back and got a large can of sliced pineapples instead (for the same price as one apple). And after hearing his brother chose a box of cereal, Cam decided to avoid breakfast envy and picked up a huge box of Frosted Flakes, and then a Hot Wheels car also, spending $20 and delighted he has just enough for a couple snacks next week. 

This has literally been the best present they could have ever gotten. 

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