Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Day 7: Writing Laws, One Dinosaur At A Time

Homeschool is fun. 

Fun in a fly by the seat of your pants sort of way. 

As the boys were doing their morning warm ups, I was perusing Facebook and saw a post from my twin-cousin Jake about how he was searching for a bill that is being proposed in the State of Washington and how it was funny that he had to search for the word "dinosaur" to find said bill. Intrigued, I clicked on the link for the bill, and it's a bill, a real bill, on how Washington State needs an official State dinosaur and which dinosaur it should be.

Wait. Hold the phone. You mean to tell me that there are official state dinosaurs and I never knew about this?

A quick Google search told me that Alaska does not have a state dinosaur. 

It was a short, simple bill, about two paragraphs, easy to understand structure, and I poured over it twice before setting my coffee down, clapping my hands and announcing to the boys "I know EXACTLY what we are doing for school today."

So we instantly pulled out all 75 dinosaur encylopedias we own and researched dinosaur fossils discovered in Alaska, and the boys wrote, start to finish, their own bill on why the "Alaskan Troodon" should be the official State Dinosaur of Alaska. 

It was tedious, took almost two hours, but they were so engaged, enthusiastic and invested in completing it, that I wasn't going to discourage it, and so we ditched math instead, and the boys completed what I think is a pretty convincing bill.

The best part? Jake is going to review the bill and help get it ready to be actually submitted to the State of Alaska. 

Best. Uncle. Ever. 

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