Monday, January 9, 2023

Day 5: The Planet Hoth

We had a big cold snap this past week, not anything fun like feet of snow or anything, but enough to freeze the roads and the standing bodies of water. 

I heard through the grapevine (i.e. social media) that the big lake in the area (Buskin) was frozen solid and it was safe to walk on. In an instant I leapt off the couch and shouted to my unexpected family "We're going on an adventure!" and started thrusting snow jackets and hats out of the coat closet. 

My poor family. They never know when Mom is going to announce an "Adventure" and disrupt everyone's lazy time. 

We headed out to Buskin Lake, which is about 5 minutes away from our house. It was starting to snow and extremely windy. Brad went out onto the lake first, as he's over double the weight of the rest of us. Once he deemed it safe, we all went out to follow him. As it hasn't snowed in a long time, we could see all the way to the bottom of the lake (which wasn't far, as we only went out as far as waist deep (if we were to fall through). 

Trekking around the lake, with the wind blowing puffs of snow across the ice and visibility of the surrounding mountains exactly zero, reminded me distinctly of walking across Planet Hoth. The kids were over the moon excited about the experience, running and sliding, doing ice angels and seeing how far they can slide rocks across the middle of the lake. 

We only spent about 30 minutes there before we decided we were ready to go, but it was a fun mini adventure that you can really only experience this far North. 


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