Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Day 22: Don't Forget To Service Your Cassette Player

 Today, Calen spent some extra time working on his Automotive Repair merit badge, which really isn't "work" for him, as anything involving cars is a dream for Calen. The first part of this merit badge is to locate the user manual of the car, which I am extremely impressed with myself that we still have the literal 20 year old manual to the Yukon still nesting happily in the glove box, thank you. Calen poured over it "this is like a car dictionary", and then had to record suggested service intervals for various parts of the car. 

Like anyone actually follows the user manual, but okay. 

"Mom." Calen announced, half laughing, half disgusted. "It says here that we need to service the Yukon's cassette player every year. a CASSETTE PLAYER, Mom."

And then he laughed and laughed. 

Well lucky for him, there's no cassette player to service, because back when Uncle Josh owned the vehicle, he replaced that sucker with a CD player, which Calen continually calls a Blu Ray player, because they just don't know, these darn kids these days. 

Then he went on to say how badly he wants a cassette player, because they're "old and cool", and Star Lord (from Guardians of the Galaxy) has one, duh. 

I tried to explain that they don't make cassettes for music artists anymore and that the music cassettes you'll find are VERY old. 

"That's fine. I'll just get some old music cassettes, like Maroon 5."

That's...not old, Calen. 

He named off a few other mid 2000s bands that are not in the least cassette old, and then finally gave up and asked for an example. I rattled off Queen, since that's one of the older bands he likes, and he goes "Oh...Oh. THAT old."

So if you need me, I'll be out in my flowered robe doing tours of the local nursing homes.


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