Friday, May 13, 2016

Day 80: I Bet You Haven't Named Your Biceps

Now that we are in Seattle for a few short days, my BFF decided that spending a weekday with us was WAY more important than something as stupid as sending her kids to school, so they played hookie, and we spent the day together at Alki beach in Seattle.

This is especially special to Calen, who is best friends with her son Cameron, and they only see each other 4 or 5 times a year.

Let's see how confused people can get when we are shouting "Cam! No, little Cam! Wait, my Cam or your Cam? Bam Bam! No, the other Bam!" What can we say, we have good taste in kid names.

Even though Calen and (big) Cam have been BFFs since diaperhood, I find that the older they get, the funnier their conversations get. You know what two seven year olds talk about? I have no idea. They ramble on and on about shit us totally uncool moms know nothing about, like Minecraft and Pokémon  (can you believe that's still a thing).

And now that they're older and competitive, combined with being shirtless at the beach, it became a manly "who's muscles are bigger" conversation.

And then they both named their muscles, because that's what seven year old boys too. They name their muscles.

FYI, Calen named his biceps "Stone Crusher" and "Firestorm." I'm not even kidding. Cameron named his "Gollum" and something else I can't remember.

Kendall named hers "Skinny" and "Nothing", because she knows like the rest of us we can't compete with those two body builders. Who are so skinny themselves you can see their ribcages.

I bet you haven't named your biceps. Or maybe you have and you're that cool. As a 7 year old boy.

It really was a great day. Even though we don't see each other often, it makes these times that much more meaningful.

Endnote: the stupid mobile app still won't let me add pictures. I'll go back and edit these once I get back to CA.

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