Saturday, May 14, 2016

Day 81: Because It Always Rains at BBQs

I'm still posting on mobile devices until I'm home Monday, so bear with me. Then I'll be able to do fun things like add pictures, because blogs really are boring without pictures. And I have good ones.

So today was the main reason I came up for this super short impromptu Seattle visit. My "twin" Jake (1st cousin, raised together, a week apart in age, have weird twin mind-reading tendencies) and his fam are PCSing from Seattle to Anchorage AK in a few weeks. Since Alaska isn't necessarily on the way to anything ever and it will be larger chunks of time between visits now, I wanted to make sure to see them before they moved. Plus, my other cousin Angie (his sister) had a baby a month ago and since I'm done having kids I needed to go snuggle a baby nephew like immediately.

My aunt (as always) opened up her home and we had a big "Hey Jake is moving and Ashley is in town" BBQ. Which was a ton of fun and involved a bounce house and lots of food and hanging out in the backyard.

Until it rained. For the first time in like two months. Because it ALWAYS rains at BBQs. Especially in Seattle.

For a while the drizzle didn't stop us. The kids stomped rockets (stomp it. Then buy it.) and played baseball and ran around the bubble machine and ate everything in sight. And then it really really rained and we all surrendered and went inside. But it was a great visit. And I got a SPECTACULAR photo of all six kids belonging to Jake, Ang and myself together, that I can do NOTHING with until I get back to my laptop on Monday.

There are two morals to this story:

1. A 10% chance of rain in Seattle really means a 100% chance of rain IF you have a BBQ planned, and
2. Pack laptops with you on vacation. An iPad is not enough.

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