Saturday, May 28, 2016

Day 95: Can I Have S'More?

Now that my laptop is actually working again, I can post a real blog post! Yay!

Even though Memorial Day weekend has much, much more important meanings, it's always seemed like the kickoff of summer to me. The weather is (usually) decent, the days last a long time, and the kids are restless for summer vacation. The boys have 4 days left of school (WHY would they even bother having another week of school after Memorial Day?!) and they're antsy. 

We had a bunch of errands to do earlier today, but this evening our neighbors asked if we wanted to come over to their backyard for s'mores. 

Now THAT'S how you kickoff summer! S'mores in the backyard. What could be better?

So we spent the evening having beers while the kids roasted marshmallows over the bbq (fire pits are strictly forbidden in Coast Guard housing after some dillweed burned his house down on base several years ago, but no one said you can't roast a marshmallow over your grill!) and laughed as they set them on fire, then ran around the yard in their socks playing laser tag and chasing the baby kittens my friend is fostering. We stayed out well until the sun was setting before Cam hit some ridiculous epic overtired cranky five year old that just lost at laser tag meltdown, so I walked him home to bed. 

But really, there's no better way to kick off summer. 

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