Monday, October 31, 2016

Day 251: Halloweenie 2016

It's Halloween!! The holiday that officially launches us into the "holiday season". And who doesn't love Halloween? (other than killjoys. I'm talking to you, lights turned off and doors locked.)

It was a BUSY Halloween for us. We started off with the boys' school parade. They don't allow the students to wear costumes to school, but instead, all students in all grades make their own costumes in class using paper bags. It can be their favorite characters, or themes, or whatever creative idea they might think up. Then the classes parade the black top in front of parents and staff class by class. Each class is judged and awards given to the top 3 costumes. Camden won an award for the kindergarten class for his Peter Pan paper bag! (of course he got help from adults). Calen made a super cool Minecraft "ghast" costume on his own (but wasn't awarded). It's really fun watching all the classes and what the kids created. 

Paper bag parade! Calen's class - he's the one in white
Calen's "ghast" (Minecraft) and Camden's Peter Pan 
Immediately following the parade, I went in to Camden's classroom for their class party. And here's a little math for you: 25 five year olds + 14 pounds of cupcakes = Really cute but barely controlled MADNESS. 

Class party! 
Me and the baby boy. We were making silly faces and he faked me out last second.
Zombie teeth with kinder buddy Jack
It was only 1:30 when the party was over but I checked both kids out of school and we went home early. Because it's Halloween and each class was doing nothing more than watching a movie anyways. The kids and neighbor boys threw on their actual costumes and took over the garage in a sugar-induced chaotic shitshow. Which is the best kind, you know. 

Neighbor boys! May the force be with you.
It started raining right at the appointed trick or treating time, but that didn't stop them. The boys went out with Daddy (dressed as Chewbacca) and their little buddy and his dad (also dressed as Chewbacca). Two moms and I hung out at my porch under a canopy to stay dry and hand out 3 families' worth of candy. This neighborhood really is the best ever for trick or treating. 

Ready to trick or treat with Chewbacca and BB8 (I mean Daddy and Sonic)
The Moms hangout
By 7 we were done and the kids picked out 20 pieces each out of their stash and "sold" the rest to me and Brad, in exchange for a pack of Pokemon cards that they'l receive tomorrow. (The extra candy will be given to all of Brad's students at work). 

Awesome day. It's been a great October, but I'm ready to move on to November because that means Disney in a week!!

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