Monday, October 15, 2012

Dress Rehearsal

Um, you guys? It's only 2 weeks until Halloween. 

Which means it's almost the official holiday season. 

Wasn't it just June or something?

Anyways, I always start with Halloween costume pictures well over two weeks before the actual holiday. Because a) my kids don't cooperate in front of the camera at all, b) when they do cooperate it seems that my camera decides at that moment to either suddenly be out of focus or be "busy" so I don't get the shot, and c) it gives me lots of time to do repeat sessions before the actual holiday, and d) it allows me to actually enjoy Halloween and not worry about them drooling candy all over their costumes since I already have nice pictures of them

I think, for the most part we actually got most of the pictures I wanted in one day. Shocking, I know. Of course as usual I didn't get a good picture of them together. Such is life and I never really expect that to happen anyways. 

This year I forced them both to be characters from Where the Wild Things are (I say "forced" because it's not something Calen would pick on his own). Calen LOVES the book (and the movie) so I thought it would be a fun thing to do with the boys having coordinating outfits (something I know I won't be able to pull off once they're big and have opinions and other such ridiculous things). 

Calen wanted to be Max but I told him that Cam has to be Max because Max is smaller. Still not convinced, I told him he could be a Wild Thing and tackle and "stomp" all over his brother (like in the movie) and he was convinced. Done. 

To add to the fun my ever-talented mother not only helped me make the costumes (Because I'm not in the least a seamstress, but she is. But I am a crack-shot with a hot glue gun), but she crocheted little Max and Carol dolls to match. Because she is full of creative awesomeness like that. 

Here's some of my favorites from today. 



1 comment:

  1. Of course she did...and you did...WAY too cute!
