Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fighting Crime

Calen uses a lot of soap and apparently ran out upstairs in the middle of the night.

Because he wasn't actually washing his hands, he was just screwing around with the soap in the sink.

And when left to his own devices, Calen creates his own solutions to issues like empty soap containers. 

So this morning I woke up to find that he had pulled out the FLEA BATH BOTTLE (with pump, like the soap bottle) and USED IT in the sink last night. A lot. Like an entire gallon of it. Gone. 

Thank the good Lord he didn't DRINK it. 

And that's how we started the day.

Also today, Camden and I used our special time together while Calen was at school by picking out fun costumes from Kmart that are on uber sale. I got him an adorable Batman costume thinking maybe it could fit next year. So we took it home and tried it on.

Not a chance in hell will it fit next year. And they didn't have a bigger size. So we are going to return it. But that doesn't mean we didn't have fun wearing it before it went back in the bag. 

Here is Camden I MEAN Bat-Cam fighting crime around the house and keeping us safe. 

Bat-Cam's weapon of choice is the mighty blankie
Fighting back dangerous smelly sock assaults
Cleansing the rooftops of apple juice filth.


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