Friday, January 4, 2013

Synthetic Snow Day

The high yesterday here was 32 degrees. Plus a wind chill. A strong wind chill which probably put the thermometer down at negative 250 degrees. 

Which is fine and all, as long as there is snow involved.

Which there wasn't.

So it wasn't fine.

I understand that the concept of snow when our house is sitting at 8 feet elevation and 10 blocks from the open ocean this far south is pretty much ridiculous. However. We had a tremendous amount of snow two winters ago (our first winter here) so my standards have been high ever since. 

More importantly, my good friend and neighbor Marina is spending her first winter outside of South Texas. She has only seen snow once in her life and her three girls have never seen it. So I was really banking on it snowing this year. 

It might still snow, but I'd rather not count on the weather. 

SO, I decided to make it snow. 

How you ask? How you do anything in this century. 

Buy it on Amazon!

I found synthetic "Snow in a Can" on Amazon for ten bucks a can that makes 2 gallons each. Just add water! (No, really!) Heck yes! I decided to surprise Marina and wanted to fill her yard with it, but I realized it was going to be impossible for her not to notice so I decided to spill the beans to her and surprise her kids instead. 

This afternoon, moments before the school bus arrived, Marina and I mixed two small cans of snow powder into a huge bin and added water. Talk about a COOL science experiment to watch it expand into realistic looking (and feeling) snow! By the end of it we had over 4 gallons of "snow". We dumped it in her back yard and shocked the kids when they got home. I even put Calen in his snow bibs and boots to add to the effect.

They proceeded to stomp in it, make snow angels, throw it up in the air and at each other. And the best part is it didn't melt! They probably played in it for half an hour straight. And to complete the day, we came inside and had hot chocolate

A perfect synthetic snow day.  

There is a plan in the works of driving up north one of these weekends and finding REAL snow. But this is as good as it gets right now. 

Enjoy the photo dump

Looks real, doesn't it?

Synthetic snow angels



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