Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Day 300: And THAT's How You Do Christmas Lights

For a brief, singular moment in time, we're all *basically* healthy. 

By healthy I mean I'm still hacking up a lung and Calen is showing signs of catching the cold, but we are all well enough to put on pants and become functioning members of society. 

Maybe that's not actually a good thing. Putting on pants. Hmmm.

First of all, we hung outside in the dark for a little bit this evening because rumor has it Santa himself was going to drive through the neighborhood on top of the Coast Guard fire engine. 

And seriously, there is nothing better on this planet than watching fifteen grade school kids hopping up and down in pure sugar-laced glee, singing Jingle Bells at the top of their lungs and screaming with excitement as Santa rides down the hill towards our house. 


Anyways, after dinner we headed out to see the basically world famous Weaver's Wonderland, the winner of last year (and the year before?)'s Holiday Light Fight contest on ABC, which happens to be in the next town over (not half a mile from where the boys play baseball). 

The pictures don't do justice. This house is AMAZING. If you can call it a house, because you can't actually see the house. It's completely covered in wood cutouts, castle turrets, snow machines, lights, lights, and more lights. The garage was refurnished into a gigantic Christmas village. There's a moving magic carpet. And it's so bright you can probably see it from space. 

Imagine being THEIR next door neighbors. 

I couldn't even get it all in one picture.
The garage, you guys. 
The best part about this place is since it's a guy's house, it's FREE to just walk up to it and stare at it for a solid 30 minutes (because there's so much to take in) before calling it a night. 

We also walked a few blocks over to another super awesome house that features some of the wood cutouts that the Weaver's made for them. Like a 20 foot tall abominable snow monster. Because obviously. 

The people in this town know how to do Christmas lights. 

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