Saturday, December 24, 2016

Day 304: And To All A Goodnight

It's Christmas Eve!! The best day of the year (for parents), watching our kids wallow in the excitement in the seemingly infinite minutes that is the day before the biggest day of the year. 

In the words of my friend, it's also International Keep Your Kid Busy Day. 

We kept them as busy as possible. A craft here and there, a Jenga Quake tournament, and checking in to the Norad tracker once in a while so see where Santa is in the world. And of course we had to make and decorate Santa's cookies. All with an endless stream of Christmas movies and music. 

Checking the Norad Santa tracker!
Today's masterpieces
This evening we dressed in our (almost) best for the Christmas Eve service at the base chapel. It's not a full service, just a time to come together, light the candles, sing Christmas hymns and hear a brief message. 

Dressed to impress for Christmas Eve service!
Little church boys
Let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that Calen added a little Seahawks flair to his church clothes to represent during game day. 
After church we rushed home to change into pajamas and watched our annual Christmas Eve showing of the Polar Express while drinking hot chocolate, then reading the Night Before Christmas before the kids ran as fast as they could into bed. 

Polar Express!
One more check on Norad! He's close!
The kids DEFINITELY heard sleigh bells outside in the back field. As I hid in a dark shadow 200 feet from the house I could hear their screams of joy from an open window, then suddenly their bedroom lights shut off. Christmas magic. 

Santa came tonight and left some solid evidence too. 

Merry Christmas everyone!

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