Saturday, July 8, 2023

Day 183: The OTHER National Holiday

 It's a big day today! Another national holiday, the second in a week!

It's my birthday!

Okay so maybe I haven't quite reached National Holiday status, but whatever, birthdays are a big deal in this house and I was going to have a day, dang it!

I got to start the day having coffee on the back porch because it wasn't raining! 

39, baby!

Cam joined me for breakfast 

It wasn't warm either, I had to wrap myself up in a blanket in order to withstand the cold wind of the JULY MORNING (enter eyeroll here). 

the best part of my birthday was the fact that Calen came home! Tired, two inches (it felt like) taller and no voice whatsoever, all the markings of having a great week. 

For most of the day, we let Calen recover (i.e. shower, brush his hair for the first time in probably a week, do his laundry, etc), and then we went out to dinner at Powerhouse (aka Hanna), the sushi/teriyaki restaurant down on the water at the marina. The boys ate their ENTIRE plate of teriyaki chicken AND six California rolls each. And I'm pretty sure if I allowed it, they would have eaten more. 

Camden's lego dragon commandeering my soup

All I ever want for my birthday is an adventure, but the weather just hasn't cooperated in the last couple of years. But, it was halfway decent tonight, and even though Calen was exhausted, I dragged the family through a short hike after dinner on the Northside trail of Near Island, which is barely a mile and a half, mostly flat and has beautiful views of the water. 

Laughing at the way this seagull was wiggling his feet in mid flight 

Skipping rocks 

Into the woods!

Honestly, that's about as well rounded as a great birthday as I could get. 

Even if I am only 28. For the last 11 years...

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