Saturday, July 15, 2023

Day 190: Get To High Ground

 We laid low for a good part of the day today since the kids and I were beat from the hike yesterday. Camden's buddy Malachi had a birthday party in the middle of the day at the bowling alley, which is so much fun to do on a rainy day. Cam is quite a billiards pool shark and said that's his favorite part. 

After we had a nice relaxing night at home, put the boys to bed and then at 11 finally put myself to bed. And wouldn't you know that the second I crawled into bed, the tsunami alarms went off. 

Of course they did. 

Actually, we've had three or four since we moved here, and NONE have been during regular business hours. Are natural disasters required to happen only at night?

Living on the hill up here, our neighborhood is a safe zone and actually considered an evacuation zone for lower base residents and even the Air Station's fuel trucks. I always make a post on social media that if anyone needs a house to hang out at, I have room, kid and dog friendly, etc, because these warnings usually take hours to clear. 

The culprit? a pretty good sized earthquake over at Dutch Harbor, the last island on the Aleutian chain (we are the first).


Brad immediately has to leave because he is the communications officer for incident command. The boys are asleep (Calen did wake up to the alarms going off initially - they are LOUD) and I stayed up in case anyone needed to come to the house to use the bathroom or something (it's happened before).

It finally cleared at 1am with a zero foot wave, so we could all finally go to bed. 

Well that was exciting. 

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