Monday, June 6, 2016

Day 104: The Consolation Prize

It's Monday and we didn't have to get up early and shove kids out the door to school! Hooray summer!

Actually, I stayed in bed until 8:40. 8:40!! The kids got up at their normal o'dark-disgusting 6am, but they are at the glorious age of being able to pour their own cereal and navigate the DirecTV kid channels on their own. Glorious. 

We went for a morning walk/bike ride this morning with two of our neighbor families. Trying to herd five boys on bikes through the sidewalks was nothing short of orchestrating a Summer Olympic event. We went to a little pond on the side of a large outcropping and found tadpoles that they tried to catch. They of course wanted to catch and "keep" the tadpoles. And put them where? In their bedroom? 

I spy with my little eye: Tadpoles!
Later this afternoon, I had a softball game on base while Brad took Cam-Bam to his very first flag football practice. This kid has been begging to play full gear tackle football since he was like, two years old. Of course, he not only doesn't meet the age requirements around here to play tackle football (seven), he also hasn't fully convinced me or Brad to even allow him to play tackle ball once he turns seven. (Not necessarily a safety issue as much as it is a time and money commitment issue). So the consolation prize for Cam is flag football through the Boys and Girls Club. Of course it doesn't have the main element that Cam really wanted to do while playing football: tackling. But it still involves a football and running and maybe he can pretend to tackle kids while pulling their flags. 

He'll take it. 

Brad told me he did decent at his first practice. It was late in the evening and he was over tired and all around weird today so he had trouble paying attention, but he had fun, and that's what's important. 

I'm just waiting for Cam to be flagged 15 yard penalties for tackling kids in flag football. It's going to happen. And I'm going to laugh. And probably take pictures. 

P.S. Calen is playing flag too, in an older division. His first practice is tomorrow. 

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