Sunday, June 12, 2016

Day 110: Water Babies

Today was going to be a relatively low key day. But it never really works out that way when it you plan it, does it? I had my friend's 4 year old Calvin for the day and Calen and Brad were out at Costco fixing our flat tire (yes it's fixed now) and having a Daddy/Son date at Rebounderz, so at first, it was low key for me and Cam and his little buddy. 

Until Calen and Brad came home and my neighbor friend texted me with: "want to go the pool?"


Between us, we had five boys and one little girl. We walked to the pool with Brad in the lead, who role-played with the boys that they were on a combat mission and taught them how to walk in formation (Miguel was the lead scout, Camden was the rear guard, Calen was right flank, Calvin was the medic, etc) and as they walked a few yards ahead from us girls, we'd suddenly see them all drop for cover and "shoot" invisible enemy targets. All the way to the pool. 

The quickest way to a little boy's heart is combat simulation. 

We spent a good 2 hours at the pool. Jamie and I got to sit and chat and be completely useless while Brad swam around and had five boys crawling on top of him like little water leeches, while he'd randomly snatch one and launch it into the air. 

Daddies are the best. 

And my kids went to bed without a single fuss. 

FIVE boys. And Brad is underneath all of them
Cam getting some serious air

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