Friday, August 3, 2012

Meat Department Invasion

I heard a rumor from the meat manager at our local grocery store that Friday morning is when they do uber markdowns on their meat. And hey if I can get ground beef for 80 cents a pound or whatever then super I'll get up early and get to the grocery store first thing.

The manager told me to get there "early." So, when the kids started stirring at 7:15am (which to me is O'Terrible Thirty), I threw them into clothes, put dry cereal in some cups and tossed the kids into the car. We got to the grocery store by 7:45am. I consider that "early." 

I was pretty impressed by myself. 

We get into the store and go directly to the meat section.

The shelves were completely wiped out. At 7:45am.

Apparently early to me and early to the manager are two different things. She came out from the back and recognized me, as I'm standing there with my arms out and my mouth agape dumbfounded that the shelves were already empty. What the hell happened? Did an F5 tornado blast through and suck up all the sale meat into the sky? Do people around here camp out in tents outside of Acme waiting for it to open so that they can save $2 on meat? 

The manager obviously saw my confusion and said

"I told you, you gotta get here EARLY. 6am rolls around and this store is swarming with OLD people just waiting for me to mark down the meat."

.....I got ousted by a bunch of senior citizens?!


Some things aren't worth getting up at 5am for. Like sale meat. If those old crazies want to get up and storm a grocery store, then by God they deserve the prize. I am not that ambitious. 

(Maybe I would be if I didn't have to wake up my sleeping monsters children in order to do so)

Well since we were already up, dressed and in public that early in the morning, I did some basic grocery shopping and then ran two doors down to the Dollar store to get some kid's toothpaste since I keep catching certain 3 year olds in the upstairs bathroom in the middle of the night "brushing his teeth" (which is actually just him squeezing 400 pounds of bubblegum toothpaste on his brush so he can suck on it. At least his teeth are really, really clean. 

Skater Boys.
Once we got home and had a more traditional sit-down breakfast, it was still only like 9am. So we walked to the new base skate park and let Calen try out his brand new scooter (in the morning, before all the teenagers are awake and fill up the park). Even though it was early morning, I swear that skate park is a freaking heat sink because we only lasted half an hour before being ready to spontaneously combust. 

Fun at the skate park with Calen's new 3 wheel scooter
After that, lunch and naps. All before 11:30am.

I should become a morning person! Look how much shit I get one! 

...How about we don't and say we did?

Neighbor buddy Kyle getting serious air on the big water slide
This afternoon it was still super hot so Brad set up this super awesome big inflatable water slide that our neighbors gave us. And we invited said neighbors and our new neighbors and had our own little impromptu block party. 

Did I mention how fun summers are here?

Even Cam had fun in the pool today. And he doesn't like water.



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