Sunday, August 19, 2012

The YAR! Sale

We had a yard sale today with our new neighbors. Because nothing says "welcome to the neighborhood" like throwing all our unwanted junk together on a tarp in the front lawn and stare at it for five hours discussing each item's entire life history while waiting for some sucker passerby to buy it for two dollars (if we're lucky). 

Yard sales are a big no-no for my kids. They are forbidden to step foot outside during the sale. Because if they did, this would happen:

"OOHHH! Mommy! Yook at all deese toys!! Mommy I 'ave dat and play with? Puhweeeeze?"

Even though he DOES "'ave dat" already. It's been sitting in the toy box for the last eight months without budging an inch. But if he sees it on the sidewalk glistening in the sun (and more importantly, available for some other kid to snatch away), it's suddenly new, fascinating and imperative that it go back in the house. 

So since my kids were absent (and so were my neighbors - for the same reason), and our older neighbor boys came out to investigate, we kidnapped them and used them for slave labor gave them a (to them) fun job of yelling at cars that there was a yard sale. 

Actually, this was their idea. But we didn't stop them. 

Then buddy Kyle decided that he was going to make a "yard sale" sign and tape it to his scooter and ride up and down the sidewalk. You know, mobile advertising. Smart kid. So he disappeared for a while to make his sign.

Future marketing director. Poor Kyle didn't even know why we were giggling.
And then he came out. Buddy Kyle forgot the "D" in "yard" so he paraded around the neighborhood with his sign that said "YAR SALE". Which I giggled about because in my head I envisioned a pirate yard sale where they sell old eye patches and hats and parrots and booty. Every sale should be a YAR! sale, they're much more exciting. And the remainder of the sale I would randomly say "YAR!" to myself and give myself a laugh.

Because that's how immature I am.  


In the end, we did okay for a little throw-together YAR! sale. I made around $15 and my neighbor friend made over $30! Especially thanks to this old man and his CRAZY Puerto-Rican wife who came back FOUR times to buy things. We must have had some good stuff. But no pirate hats. Boo. 



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