Monday, August 27, 2012

Not Your Mama's Tuna

Rain day four. Which means that today I finally surrendered and threw the kids in front of the tv for the majority of the day. Calen is fighting a cough anyways (and Camden was fighting a nap) so they had lovely marathons of Super Why, Shark Week and Finding Nemo while I cleaned the kitchen screwed around with Pinterest recipes. One in particular caught my eye today: Tuna Salad Wraps - but better!

The instant thought of tuna makes my lips curl and my tongue goes a little numb. I'm so bored of tuna. We buy a lot of it because a) it's cheap and b) it's easy to prep and c) it's fairly healthy. And when I think of tuna, I think of the basic tuna recipe that everyone's mom/grandma/every relative in the history of ever makes: Tuna, mayo, pickles. If it's an especially exciting day, add cheese and bread. It's like eating a sandwich the consistency of cat food. Ugh, I'm so over it. And yet in my pantry sits no less than ten thousand cans of tuna that Brad and I both forget to eat.

Until I saw this recipe! It added lots of veggies and flavor and had the promise of helping all those cans of tuna disappear. I made this the other day. It was SO good and the amount of flavor was surprising! Today is the second time I made it, and I tweaked the original recipe, so here's my version of what I call Fiesta Tuna Wraps.

Please note: I also doubled the recipe so that I'd have a convenient insta-lunch for tomorrow. 

2 cans tuna
2/3 of a red bell pepper
2 tsp mustard
2 green onions
4 tbsp canned corn (drained)
2 baby dill pickles, diced - I know, the dill pickles seem really weird in this recipe. But trust me. It's good.
4 tbsp mayo - I make them heaping tbps. Because I am a mayo lover.
Lemon juice (to taste)
Pepper (to taste)
Lettuce or spinach

what you need to make Fiesta tuna! (except for the clorox cleaner in the background. You don't need that.)
Slice and dice veggies. Throw into bowl. Open and drain cans of tuna and dump the tuna in the bowl.

 Put the drained tuna juice into the dog bowls to make them happy dogs. 

lusting over the tuna smell
 ....give some to the cat too. Talk about a peanut gallery.

Add everything else except for the tortillas and lettuce/spinach. Stir. Now that doesn't look like your Mama's tuna, does it?  

Lay some lettuce or spinach on a tortilla. Glob the tuna mix onto the tortilla. Roll and enjoy! 

Seriously, best lunch ever! The flavors really POP and the veggies add lots of texture. The calories would be low too IF you dared not put mayo on it. But mayo is where it's at in my house. And I count calories...all the way into my stomach!



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