Monday, March 14, 2016

Day 20: Can't We Just Put This Vitamin D in an IV?

The sun CAME OUT today!

*dancing* *confetti* *parades* *celebration*

This rainy season has really put me back into my Pacific Northwest roots. So that when the clouds actually do break and the sun comes out, I go into full blown panicked-excitement mode. 

Quick! Open the windows! Put on your flip flops! We need to mow the lawn, wash the car, go to the beach and have a barbecue all before 4pm today. Get the sunscreen STAT. 

But we didn't do any of those things today because a) I'm way too lazy to mow the lawn OR wash the car while Brad is at work, b) it's way too cold for the beach. 

I picked up Cam from school in town and decided that today was the day I would remember to pack a picnic lunch for him and find that super cool castle playground the locals have been telling me about. 

Because anything involving castles AND playgrounds is a major win for the household 4 year old. 

Turns out, the castle playground is only a mile or so away from his school. And it really is a castle. And a bunch of other rad stuff too. Playgrounds like this that are so nice usually require admission or something, so I kind of felt like I was illegally trespassing the whole time and the playground police were going to pop out of one of the bendy slides and be like "Pay up or go home!" And I'd make Cam cry because we'd have to go home because who carries cash with them anymore. 

But no playground police arrived so we stayed. 

It really is a castle playground!
We stayed an hour or so until I literally dragged Camden's exhausted body to the car, all while he's whining "but I want to staaaaaaaaaay I'm not tirrrrrred." and fell asleep before we even drove out of the parking lot. 

And that my friends is a victory.

After his 20 minute nap in the car he was raring to go once we got home, but wanted to play his "iPad" (Leapster). 

WHAT? Electronics? In this weather? Blasphemy.

So we played catch out in the front yard. And then Calen came home from school and before even saying "hi" to me the neighbor boys came running over and in an instant all the kids were gone in a large alarming swarm imitating rabid locusts to the playground near our house, leaving me with a baseball glove and Calen's backpack and a stupid look on my face. 

"Ummm...hi Calen...bye boys." 

Is this a preview to teenage life?

Unfortunately (for them), Cam has been a bit of a troublemaker on the playground lately. You know, wandering into neighbors' houses uninvited or peeing on the tree next to the playground in front of 11 year old girls, that sort of thing. So instead of staying at my house catching up on cleaning, I hung out at the playground to supervise. 

But it was sunny, so I didn't even mind. 

Once Brad got back from work we whisked away to the batting cages, since both boys have barely had any practices with their teams due to rain, and their first games are this week. They even had an open tball stand for Cam to hit at while Calen was in the cage, so even he got to have fun. And then got home and I walked the base with my neighbor. 

Funny how a sunny day will suddenly make me that much more energetic. Maybe I should just walk around with a vitamin D IV stuck in my arm, then I could bounce off the walls like my kids and do all sorts of activities. 

The camera on my phone rocks my socks so I took lots of pictures of the Caminator at the playground (unedited). 

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