Sunday, March 20, 2016

Day 26: Top Chef Juniors

We had great ambitions to go to the Muir Woods trails today. Again. But we didn't because it rained. Again. 

The Seattle-ite in me should be thrilled. The California resident in me is screaming. 

Soooo, we stayed inside and worked on a few house projects, and I decided it was a good day to have Calen "make" dinner, like he did a few days ago. So we made an eloquent 5 course meal of prime rib and asparagus and...

Who am I kidding. I don't even cook that kind of fancy crap. 

So we made spaghetti and meatballs. 

Let's be honest. I'm not a chef. I can barely boil water or roast a chicken. If you say to me "meatballs," I think of a bag of frozen pre-made-way-less-work-and-probably-cheaper Great Value meatballs from Walmart. But this was a cooking adventure and quasi lesson and we were going to cook, dammit! So I consulted my most trusted professional cooking consultants:


People like me would have never survived dinner parties or potlucks 20 years ago. If someone is like, "Wow Ashley, that's really good!" I'm like "hell yes it is!" and then direct them to whatever pin on my Pinterest cooking board. 

So, I put out all the ingredients (and minced garlic, by hand...and then after 10 minutes of chop/chop/chop/chop/chop Brad yells from the living room "were you aware we have a garlic press?" I was not aware we had a garlic press. That information would have been extremely useful you know, 3 garlic cloves ago. 

Thanks Brad. 

Anyways, I put all the ingredients out and Calen did the rest on his own (with step by step verbal instructions). He mixed it all together, he rolled them into little balls, he put them in the oven on his own. 

Camden begged to be a part of it so I let him hand mix the meatball...mix...together with us, and pour the pasta sauce into the saucepan. Other than that, I did nothing but boil the water for Calen and read the instructions out loud for him to follow. I did pull the meatballs out of the oven too. That kid is accident prone, let's be real. 

Look, I'm in a picture! You're welcome. 
And they turned out pretty damn good! 

Look out Top Chef Juniors! This kid will be making filet mignon before you know it. 

As long as there's a Pinterest recipe for it. 

Dinner is served! Thanks Buddy

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