Friday, December 1, 2017

Day 1: Dear Santa

It's December 1st!! It is now officially, really, acceptable to talk about Christmas. Even though in MY book it was acceptable to talk about such things once you finish digesting Thanksgiving dinner mid-afternoon, but some other Grinches might poo-poo such talk. 

You can ignore the fact that my house has been (mostly) decorated for Christmas since we came back from Disney in mid November, if it offends you so much. 


I really, really tried to do 31 days of Halloween, and failed gloriously and beautifully. I think we did maybe 7 days of Halloween. Which is still pretty good I guess. But it was also baseball season, and I work, and the kids had homework, and and and. But now it's December 1st and I really, REALLY want to do 25 days of Christmas. I'm prepared! I have Pinterest boards! And glitter glue! And construction paper! I'm ready! Let's do this. 

We'll see. At least there are no sports seasons going on right now. 

Today at least, was easy. Our house is already totally decorated on the inside AND we finished the outside today, while only blowing the fuse twice last night. 

We added a narwhal this year. Because obviously. And our next door neighbor bought an accompanying llama. 
As for our activity today, we started off right by writing letters to Santa Claus. This has double meaning in our house. First of all is the obvious, Santa has to know what they're asking for, right? It's also the point-of-no-return in gift requesting. Once those letters are mailed off, no takebacks, period! Because Santa is usually done Christmas shopping preparing by the second week of December and we can't have little turd faces reading catalogs and doing something absurd like changing their minds last minute, now can we? 

Cam's current obsession with floppy ear hats is hilarious

In our household, the boys are allowed to ask Santa for 3 things each. That does not mean they usually get all 3 things (they rarely do), but usually Santa will bring them one of the things on the list. I already told them that I've already told Santa no "cell phones with games on them" (Camden's request) and he probably won't let you have a real crossbow (in case of zombie attacks), either. 

Their finished letters! I love their handwriting so much. 

Tomorrow we will drop off the letters to a special mailbox in downtown Petaluma. That way it might reach Santa before we visit him in person in a couple of weeks. 

For the record and much to my surprise (and delight), Calen, at 8 and a half, is still a firm believer in Santa this year. He doesn't seem interested in "solving the puzzle" about Santa either, he's just content that Santa exists, period. I wish he could stay a little kid forever. 

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