Thursday, December 21, 2017

Day 20: Firetrucks and Boring Snowflakes

I woke up this morning fully aware that today was going to be on overdrive. The boys both had Christmas parties at school (pajama parties, no less) that involved way too much sugar and a little sprinkle of chaos. It was also an early release day, so they were going to be sugared up and then sent home. I had to work during the school hours, so I missed the fun stuff but got the privilege of picking up two sugar-jacked, pajama clad wild things disguised as my children. 

I thought maybe, since Cam had been sick a couple days before and the entire base seems to be coming down with something or other, that they could stay inside and calmly do some crafts or something. I still have a few Pinterest projects up my sleeve, after all. 

So, we made q-tip snowflakes. The idea is to cut q-tips in half (make one half larger than the other), then glue them in a design on a piece of construction paper, and add glitter, and then cut out the paper later to make a snowflake. 

I liked the idea of this project because it would take more than five seconds for the boys to finish. It might take them half an hour, or, gasp, even an hour! They'll be busy! They'll be entertained! They'll be doing something constructive!

I think the fact that it was a little more time consuming is what made the boys get over this project very quickly. They wanted to make one snowflake and be done with it, but I convinced them to make a few more to decorate the house with. But it definitely wasn't their favorite craft. Or if it was, they hid it well. But they turned out really cute and I like seeing them on my living room window. 

Note: When they stuck them on the window after they dried, they seemed more excited about the end product. So the jury's out.

After dark, Santa himself (or a helper, according to the kids) came down the hill into our neighborhood sitting on top of a Coast Guard Fire Dept. fire truck, complete with police escort. Of course the anticipation of this brought all the neighborhood kids outside, and candy canes were eaten, and more sugary chaos ensued as an entire mess of kids ran circles under our big decorated tree and chanted Santa's name as he came down the hill. 

A gaggle of Coastie kids waiting on Santa!
Santa!! Cam is far left and Calen is in the middle waving

But seriously, how fun is that. 

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