Monday, December 25, 2017

Day 24: And To All A Goodnight

It's the night before!!! The best day of the Parental year, watching your children squirm impatiently all day as they await the arrival of the big man that evening and wake up to a plethora of fantasticness the next morning.

But since I don't like hearing hours of "is it time to go to bed YET???", we kept very busy. Brad and the boys played card games in the morning (War and the Minecraft card game) and some Jenga Quake (Jenga, with earthquakes!), then Brad had to run into town to get our extremely fancy, top shelf dinner, so the kids and I built a few 3D Christmas houses and made and decorated cookies for Santa all while checking Santa's continued progress on the NORAD tracker. 

For dinner, we had....are you ready for it....Chinese take out. 

Fa ra ra ra ra, ra ra ra ra. 

Actually, famous movies aside (you'll shoot your eye out, kid), this is a brilliant idea for Christmas Eve dinner. It's easy, it's cheap, it requires zero prep on an already busy day, and no cleanup. 

So, we sat on the couch/floor, ate mushu prawns and orange chicken and watched our annual Christmas Eve viewing of the Polar Express.

After dinner and a movie we got dressed in our Christmas best and went to the chapel for Christmas Eve service. It's a short service, with a few hymns, lighting of candles and a quick message. Then we raced back home and checked NORAD one more time before reading the Night Before Christmas. 

They aren't excited AT ALL

One more NORAD check before bed!!

The boys DEFINITELY heard sleigh bells outside, and you've never heard two kids rumble off to bed SO FAST in your life ("SLEIGH BELLS!!! IT'S SANTA HE'S HERE GET IN BED RIGHT NOW!!!" --- that was the 8 year old, the 6 year old was just screaming in delight)

Then for the big show - Christmas music playing while everything is set up, Dad assembling Santa's deliveries and occasionally Mom gleefully clapping in excitement as the big display all comes together. 

Santa came!! Camden's gifts on the left, Calen on the right

My house rocks at Christmastime

Stockings in front of the fireplace!

Santa ate his cookies and gave the reindeer the celery, and Fred the elf left some special Santa Mickey cookies
I love Christmas Eve almost more than the following morning. The anticipation and excitement and magic in my children's eyes makes my entire year. 

And to all a goodnight!

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