Sunday, December 3, 2017

Day 3: When There's A Fork In The Tree, Paint It

Today certainly wasn't as exciting as yesterday, I had to work and Brad spent all day building new beds for the kids (more on that later). But, we still made sure to take some time to do something Christmasy. 

As I scrolled Facebook when I woke up this morning (this generation's morning paper), I saw a craft someone posted that was stupid easy and required little materials. That's it! The activity of the day. 

So you take some green paint (bonus points for two shades of green), some other colors of paint of your choice, two small paintbrushes, a piece of paper, and a plastic (disposable) fork. Bonus material: white glitter

Dip the entire end of the fork in the green paints, and then "brush" it diagonally from the center and out to make a tree shape. Then use the paintbrushes and other colors (we used red and blue) to make dots on the trees for ornaments. And, if you happen to have some, sprinkle white glitter on the wet paint for "snow". 

Done, done and done. 

These were SO fun turned out pretty and actually took slightly longer than 15 minutes to complete so it kept them busy for a second or two. 

So about those beds. For weeks and weeks and weeks now, the boys have been begging to share a room. Why, I have no idea. But Cam cries every night if he can't sleep on the floor in his brother's room (which we allow on weekends) and even Calen begs for Cam to be with him. There would be no good feasible way to do this without buying a bunk bed, and we didn't really want to buy a bunk bed and be committed to them sharing a room (after all, what if they suddenly decided they hated sharing a room? What if they are turds and keep each other awake all night and CAN'T share a room? So we were stuck kind of wondering what to do. 

Then suddenly on our local swap meet Facebook page, someone posts that they are getting rid of a twin bunk bed that separates into two stand alone twin beds if needed, FOR FREE. 


We got the bed today, so Brad worked away all day rebuilding them while the boys assumed they were just getting new bed frames for their rooms. We surprised them after I got home from work this evening and they SQUEALED with joy. Of course now they're fighting over the top bunk but you can't have everything in life can you. They now sleep in Camden's room, and Calen's room (the biggest room) is the playroom. More photo updates on that later when I'm done. 

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