Saturday, April 21, 2012

Crashing the Coast Guard Ball

My feet hurt!!

Whoever invented high heels ought to be shot. Damn those things hurt.

Tonight was the Coast Guard Ball at some casino in Atlantic City. Basically a fancy dinner party where the husbands dress up in uniform and the wives put on a fancy dress, we go have dinner and a few drinks, listen to some music, have a great time etc.

At the ball - before we REALLY crashed it

That is if all the stuffy higher up officers/admirals/whatevers hadn't been so boring and made stupid speeches that actually transformed this "party" into a business meeting.

Luckily, our little table in the back with us three couples (probably the only Enlisted folk in the entire room) made fun. We crashed that shit. We drank, we were loud, we were making fun of all the uptight brass in the room, we dueled with appetizer skewers. People were staring at us disgustedly. Which made us louder. And more obnoxious.

And then we LEFT and found our OWN party.

We decided that this stuffy shit wasn't good enough for our enlisted tastes, so we walked two casinos down the boardwalk and barged in with our fancy dresses and uniforms.

Crashing the VIP lounge. Watch out for them Hansens, Klinzings and Takacs!
You know what happens when you go somewhere with three girls in hot dresses and three men in their fancy Dress Blues? You get in the VIP rooms. You take over reserved tables (that aren't reserved for you).

We ended up in some high rollers club and happened to stumble upon a live show. Where we danced and made fools of ourselves (the wives, anyways), but that's okay because we had hot guys in uniforms at our table, so no one asks questions. 

We MADE tonight. I bet no one else that went to that ball had half as much fun as we did. Those stuffy officers and their wives should have partied with US.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Reading this is a great start to my day. Looking good Ash & Brad!!
