Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Things You Say

First of all, I got a lovely package today from my cousin Angie filled with goodies for the boys, and a box of famous FAIR SCONES from the Pacific Northwest!! (do the..Puyallup! Northwest natives will appreciate how awesome this box of scone mix really is) This just Thanks Ang!

Ummm...YUM!! I'm eating this for dinner tomorrow. Only this.

And now to the real post on 

My three year old is saying a lot of funny shit lately.  

I know a lot of three year olds say funny shit. But my three year old has been pretty behind with his speech (according to his therapist, about six months behind his peers of the same age). So whenever he does say funny things, it REALLY makes me happy. In a "hey we're doing it right" kind of parent way.

The dinner table is usually a battle with Calen (as I'm sure it is with most 3 year olds). Forcing convincing him to eat the poison vegetables on his plate, stop screwing around distractedly and actually eating his food, and our biggest challenge: convincing him to SWALLOW all 30 pounds of food that he just crammed in his mouth and is now incapable of chewing up. 

Starting a few days ago, Calen started parenting us at the dinner table.  

"Hey!! Hey Daddy - eat your food!" (Daddy was talking to ME. God forbid).

"Mommy! MOMMY!! Finish your mouth!" (pretty sure he meant finish what's in MY mouth. I was chewing. Clearly not fast enough for him). 

"Mommyyyyyyyy!! SIT on your BUM!!" (I got up to get Cam a sippy cup. Without HIS permission).  

"Hey. Hey Mommy! Look at me. LOOK AT ME!!" 

(I'll look at him. "What Calen?")

"Thomas (the train) is blue."

(Apparently that was a pressing issue as he needed eye contact with me RIGHT at that moment). 

This has been going on for a week. Luckily Brad and I are still chuckling about it and are not irritated yet. I even throw Calen a bone and will say "Oh..sorry Calen" just to impress him and let him think he actually has power in this house. 

"Daddy!!! Finish your mouth!!!"

Today I had forgotten to dump out his leftover Cheerios and milk after breakfast and just left it on the table. We came back from a zoo trip with friends and Calen jumped up on the table excited to eat his "Cheewios an milk!"....that had been sitting out for the last three hours.

"Calen, that's yucky don't eat it! Let me get you a new bowl."

I didn't expect a response. 

"Mommy, it's not yucky, it's JUST Cheerios!" (with a LOT of attitude in his voice).

That little argument of his caught me by surprise (he never reasons like that), and I stopped to contemplate it for half a second too long - and Calen took a big bite of his three hour old bowl of cereal. 

Well, if my 11 month old can slurp mud off the ground and survive, why shouldn't my 3 year old eat spoiled cereal and milk? See, I'm an equal opportunity parent.

Another thing he's really been into recently is going upstairs by himself to get whatever mission-critical item he suddenly needs out of his room. But he always reassures me as he heads for the stairs. 

"I'll be RIGHT back. Don't worry!!"

Because I was REALLY concerned for his safety during his ascend to the second floor of our house. It is pretty scary up there. You never know when a jaguar or a velocirapter might jump out of the closet.

Also today Daddy was finishing putting pavers in our back dirt yard and we were all outside with him playing. Calen suddenly marched over to Daddy and said:

"Hey Daddy. What's up?"

'What's up'?? That's what you have to say? WHERE did that come from?  Daddy didn't even know what to say. He just giggled. 

At least it's more cute than annoying (so far). 




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