Monday, April 16, 2012

The Things You Say

I just drove four hours roundtrip to the airport and back. I'm not in much of an "energetic let's go write 1500 paragraphs in today's blog" kind of mood. 

Here's another chapter to "The Things You Say" - Calen edition. 

Today we're playing with his Mr. Potato Heads. There are some pieces missing (probably hidden somewhere under his bed. Or in the heating vent ducts. Who knows). One of the little pieces that attaches to the potato's backside (you know - where you store all of the body parts) is missing. Clearly this bothered Calen. 

Calen - "Mommy, WHERE is his BUTT??"

Me (other side of the house) - "what?!"

Calen - "Oh NO. His butt is all gone! Awwww. Poor BUTT!! Butt is BROKEN!."

I wish my butt could be all gone. 

Calen puts some Mrs. Potato Head rosy pink lips inside the "butt" compartment. 

Calen - "There. He has butt now see? All better."

Me - "Awesome." (what else am I supposed to say?)

Calen - "Mommy, where is his pee-pee?"

Me - "HEY who wants to have fruit snacks and watch LeapFrog??" 

Calen squeals running through the house "YAY FRUITSNACKS LEAPFROG!!!"

ANYTHING to change the subject before it really gets out of hand.

"There, his butt is fixed!"





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