Saturday, April 7, 2012

Putting a Twist on Easter Egg Hunting

I don't have a lot of time to waste use for blogging tonight. It's 9pm and I still need to fill Easter baskets, chop up ten million vegetables and start tomorrow's dinner in the crock pot, and edit a ton of photos from today. So I'm keeping it short(ish).

Did I ever mention we live on the ocean? Once or twice, or a million times?

Today we decided to put a twist on Easter Egg hunting. Everyone's hunted for plastic eggs with jelly beans inside on a grassy lawn. But how many people have hunted for plastic eggs with jelly beans inside on the beach?

Pretty clever idea, huh?

I can't take credit for it. A friend of mine is extremely clever.

Beach Egg hunting!

So even though it was only 50 degrees and 800mph winds, we bundled the kids up (well, I tried...Calen refused to wear long pants. We were going to the beach after all) and drove to the private Coast Guard beach. (WE being three families, five kids and one baby -- Cam and daddy stayed home since Cam has another cold). 

The daddy's took our tubs of Easter eggs and went ahead to the beach to "hide" the eggs. I say hide because you can't really hide eggs for five, three and one year olds. It was basically just throwing them in plain(ish) sight on the beach.

The kids loved it. We were the only ones crazy enough clever enough to be at the beach today, so they got to run around scattered ass all over the place looking for eggs. 

I had to keep reminding Calen to go find more eggs, because each one he found he'd drop his basket and concentrate on popping open the egg to get the candy. 

All the kids scored really well. We did a good job of sugaring them up. 

Once we were done, we headed back to the parking lot. You have to walk over a steep sandy dune to get from the beach to the cars. Thus started a game of "rolling down the sandy hill, getting up, marching to the top, and rolling back down". 

Fine by us, wear off all that sugar you just ingested. Just don't throw up.
I think it's started a new tradition for Easter weekend while we're here. 

Using that sugar rush appropriately by rolling down the hill. Over and over.


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