Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ziplock Painting

First of all, my mom flew home today so we decided to go to Red Robin on the way to the airport. 

Kids eating lemons are funny. Especially since neither of my kids will stop eating them even though they're making their eyelids turn inside out. It's some sort of strange rewarding self-torturing device.

I like watching them eat lemons. So I usually ask the waitresses there for a whole bowl of them. 

No, he's not disgusted by the last episode of Jersey Shore. He's eating lemons at Red Robin

We got back home with two especially cranky boys. So I dug into my Super Mom Boredom Device (Pinterest) and picked out a fun/cheap/easy activity that both of them could do. 

It's called Ziplock Painting.

Here's what you do:

1) Take a ziplock freezer bag (gallon size)

2) Squirt one or two colors of paints inside (I used finger paints, since it happened to be what I have on hand)

3) Seal the ziplock bag and tape it down on top of a white piece of paper, on the table (Pinterest called for Painter's tape, but I found it was pretty weak so I used packaging tape)

That's it. 

Ziplock Painting. Product Placement for the win.

The kids can then "paint" using their fingers to push down on the bag and smear it around, but it causes no mess ( AND since I put it on the boys' little picnic table, it can stay there for days and not dry up. 

Calen liked driving his matchbox cars on top and making tire tracks. (because, you know, nothing with him doesn't involve cars). He liked how the green and yellow smeared together in a swirly type way too. Cam liked slamming his hands/blocks/everything on top of it. But they were both tired and cranky so they decided that throwing themselves on the floor whining/crying over nothing was a far more entertaining pasttime.

Driving cars on the paint

Either way, it at least created 15 minutes worth of entertainment for today. Hopefully they will be more human-like tomorrow and enjoy it even longer. 

Even Cam got to play today.
P.S. Cam decided it was even more fun to just push the entire picnic table across the room. This kid has some serious upper body strength (hence the nickname: Ze Caminator!)

Rearranging the furniture.

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