Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fly Boys

Every rare moment in time the benefits of living on an active training center/military base really shine through. Today was definitely one of those days.

We all got notice a few days ago that one of the smaller MH "Dolphin" Coast Guard helicopters was flying in from Air Station Atlantic City today and landing in the middle of the parade field (big field where recruits get their asses beat do exercises and all the graduations happen, etc) to do a demonstration/tour for members, family members, etc. 

Which translates to: helicopters on the ground. Access to touch them and sit in them. Extremely happy little boys.

Since it had the nerve to rain yesterday I was afraid that it might be canceled today. So I didn't tell Calen until we were literally outside getting into the stroller. 

"Hey, want to go see a helicopter and SIT in it?"

"......::gasp!!!!!:: YEAH OKAY!!! We go see helicrackert YAAAAAYYYYYY!!!" (insert giddy laugh)

So a couple other friends with small gleeful children and myself walked to base and watched the helicopter fly in and land. Which of course all of the kids thought was the absolute coolest thing they had ever seen. As the helo was landing Calen and his two other 3 year old friends were leaping up and down screaming with joy.

You would have thought that we had told them Santa Claus was on the helicopter. But we didn't.

Coast Guard MH "Dolphin" helicopter

We had to wait our turn to go into the helicopter. Which immediately turns the glee into whiny, impatient little boys with crushed hopes and dreams. 

I didn't say we COULDN'T go on it, I just said we had to wait our turn. Which was a disastrous FIVE whole minutes.

My boys in the cockpit (with the Flight Mechanic). Cam wasn't as impressed as Calen was
But finally the best moment of my three year old's life came and he got to go inside the helo. And not just like a quick sit, picture, and get out either. Hardly anyone showed up to this little event so we got to take our time. He wandered around in the cabin, sat in the cockpit for what seemed like forever, pushed buttons he wasn't supposed to, took pictures etc. 

That kid was in absolute Heaven.

Until I pulled him out so the little boy behind us could go in. 

Enter screaming fits, sobbing, hysteria. Life was OVER because he was removed from his new favorite place on earth. Even though I promised he could go back inside it in a minute.

It's really quite amazing watching the mood swings of a three year old. One moment they are in total bliss, and the next they are a flaming hot ball of rage. I didn't know whether to laugh or put him in time out. 

So we walked around it, played UNDERNEATH it (not my idea. Cam decided to crawl under there and Calen followed), ran around the parade field, and then took two more turns back into the helicopter. 

Calen was so happy I allowed him to go back inside the helicopter that I was pretty sure he was going to explode into a thousand little pieces of exuberance. 

back in the cockpit a second time around = bliss

We finally had to say goodbye to the helicopter (worst moment of Calen's LIFE) and watch it fly away (his terrible sadness was dissipated by the coolness of the helicopter taking off and flying directly over our heads). It was a GREAT day today.

Bye "helicrackert!" Thank you!

Endnote: For the whole rest of the day, EVERY noise....every car that drove by, airplane overhead, bee buzzing, bird farting, etc immediately caused Calen to announce "what's THAT?? ::gasp!!:: it's the helicrackert! I go sit in it. See you 'ater bye!" and suddenly he's leaving out the front door and I had to stop him. It's going to be a long few months before they allow him to do that again. 


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