Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mom 101

Happy It's-Another-Holiday-For-The-Sake-Of-Commercialism Day!

Translation: Happy Mother's Day!

Okay, I'll admit it. I like Mother's Day. It's a fun holiday to treat that Mama in your life to something special. It's especially fun now that I'm at the receiving end of this holiday.
After a crazy Friday and Saturday, it was nice to relax a little bit today. I took full advantage of this celebration of ME holiday by sleeping in until 10:20am! (actually, I can thank the sleeping pill I took at 2am - and Brad getting up with the boys for that). We spent the rest of the day outside quietly playing in the backyard and listening to the Mariners game on the Internet. (and they actually won - against the Yankees - what could be better?)

As I watched the boys play today I reflected how I feel about being a mom now for the last three years (and a mom of two the last year). After careful consideration I've figured out how to explain mother hood in simple outline form. (my former English teachers would be so proud)

1. It's tiring. Like REALLY.
            - When I was 21 I remember being able to work a 10 hour shift and survive on 4 hours of sleep and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, no sweat. Now, 15 hours of sleep and three cups of coffee couldn't give me energy. I'm always tired. And boys seem to be ESPECIALLY tiring for some reason.

2. It's rewarding. Like REALLY.
            - Oh isn't that so cliche' of me? But let's face it, it's true and the shortest way to explain the feeling of being a mom is to say the disgustingly cliche' word "rewarding". There's something extremely satisfying about using every last drop of your energy (see above bullet) on cute little ankle biters. I'm not sure how this works. I'm pretty sure kids come with some energy-sucking version of dopamine that makes you tired but cheerful at the same time.

Note: if you are incapable of understanding how pooping, barfing, loud, mildly obnoxious, short human beings can be rewarding, you probably shouldn't be a parent. 

3. It's funny. (Like REALLY -- see a pattern?)
            - I strongly go by the theory "you're either going to laugh or cry, you might as well be laughing". And when the kids have lost their brains and turned into wild rabid hyenas and you're so tired you're ready to spontaneously incinerate into a pile of dust, you might as well just sit on the couch, snap a few pictures and laugh at the chaos. 

And that's pretty much being a mom in a nutshell. And I really like it. 

Me and the boys, Mother's Day 2012


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