Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Monkey Room

I mentioned like a thousand years ago that I was working on a monkey themed room for Camden. Since he has definitely been switched in the hospital with a baby orangutan. I expected the project to take me maybe three days. Paint the walls, paint a few trees, add some monkey wall appliques. How hard can it be right? Right?

Three effing weeks later, wielding only one paintbrush, two paint rollers and one roll of painters tape, (oh and some paint I guess. And monkey stickers. And a brown Sharpee). I have finally vanquished The Monkey Room.

It is not, by any stretch of the imagination, professional. I only did one layer of paint (and you can tell), but I did that because a) I don't give a crap and didn't want to put that much work into it, b) I ran out of paint and after jumping through circus hoops to get new paint, I didn't want to run out again and c)
I just don't care. 

Cam's Monkey room

The trees look like some type of dilapidated exotic retarded trees. The painters tape didn't work very well on the ceiling because our ceilings are not level (well done military housing) so I painted the ceiling half the time. I dripped lots of paint all over the cheap industrial carpet, but guess what? I don't care. They can yell at me two years from now when I move. And like I said the other day, I'm no Martha Stewart.

Closeup of tree (and King Oogabooga)

I also learned that Sharpees hate paint. I attempted to stencil the outlines of the trees, grass etc to give it a little more definition. I bought a brand new brown Sharpee, but after only outlining one tree it was already drying up. (yes, the paint was dry). Paint it stupid. But I managed to struggle it through and get the whole room outlined. 

Cam's monkey room

All in all, the finished project looks pretty great (in an amateur brain damaged sort of way). The shelving is full of Cam's collection of stuffed monkeys (and other jungle creatures). There's also a hammock hanging "in" one of the other trees with Cam's big monkey King Oogabooga (as I call him -- hey, it makes the boys laugh when I say it) and his jungle subjects Frog and Snake. Each wall is covered with monkeys swinging from trees and vines. It's lots of fun and Cam loves it (and I'm pretty satisfied with it too) and Calen calls it "so beautiful". 

Cam's monkey room (and the monkey playing)
Cam's monkey room

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