Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rain Delay

I think I've been living here too long already.

I woke up this morning with plans to take the kids to the zoo, or the beach, or something outsidey-like to keep them busy. 

And, I actually expected it to be sunny. Because it's always sunny.

I woke up today to it being dark, rainy, foggy, stupid.

And I was actually shocked that it was raining. Even though I come from the Rain-Capital (Seattle). 

I've clearly lived here far too long.

Of course I didn't actually look out the window before I promised the kids that we'd go do something fun. So now that I've crushed their hopes and dreams for the day, I had to come up with a quick/fun/new activity. 

This is why I'm on Pinterest all.the.time.

So today we took Calen's plastic dinosaurs, dipped their feet in fingerpaints and made "dinosaur tracks" on butcher paper. I thought it was a pretty awesome activity.

dinosaur tracks

And it was, he was giggling the whole time and seeing how all the different dinosaurs had different(ish) tracks (in a plastic feet sort of way), but it only lasted about 10 minutes. Then he wanted to wash his hands and move on to other things.

Oh well. I tried.  

It better not rain tomorrow.  

 then, she {snapped}

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